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Maggie Place: Compton SN9 6 Age: 32 Nationality: Ukraine Weight: 52 kg Languages: English, Ukraine Incall: Private apartment, Serviced apartment Outcall: Hotel visits, Private apartment |
Maggie Place: Compton SN9 6 Age: 34 Nationality: Ukraine Weight: 59 kg Languages: English, Ukraine Incall: Private apartment, Serviced apartment Outcall: Hotel visits, Private apartment |
Inez Place: Compton SN9 6 Age: 34 Nationality: Moldova Weight: 57 kg Languages: English, Ukraine Incall: Private apartment, Serviced apartment Outcall: Hotel visits, Private apartment |
Roxanne Place: Compton SN9 6 Age: 32 Nationality: Spain Weigh: 57 kg Languages: English, Ukraine Incall: Private apartment, Serviced apartment Outcall: Hotel visits, Private apartment |
Guadalupe Place: Compton SN9 6 Age: 21 Nationality: Slovakia Weight: 58 kg Languages: English, Ukraine Incall: Private apartment, Serviced apartment Outcall: Hotel visits, Private apartment |
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You might say I am fragile and am a little effeminate, however I am not a fagot or a pervert. I like ladies, and certainly, I liked Linda who I noticed from the very first day she came to my class.
I am not a stalker however felt a need after class to follow her at a sensible distance, monitor her and see that no damage would concern her. She seemed to prefer the huge men. I discovered her from time to time with a different one, some would stay the night in her room but I’m sure, she did not take any too seriously given that she did not go steady with any particular one.
About, one month into the term, she knocked on my door at work, a small cubical appointed to me at the end of a corridor, (laughingly called an office). She stuck her head in and asked to see me. I welcomed her in and hoped my love for her was not too apparent. She asked for a favour. She was having problems doing her term papers both for her psychology course and my course. Composing, she discussed was not her thing. She let these assignments for class slide, being busy with other things on school. She was desperate. Would I Help? Obviously I would assist. Taking care not to give away my feelings for her we went to work to get the papers written. I helped her make a summary of what to say, put things in a logical order and make tips. I need to confess, I did much of the work but she did some and she got A’s on both documents. I loved being with her.
Even after the completion of her term documents, she continued to utilize my assistance for a few of her other school tasks as she was incredibly busy with her other activities. I was more than ready to assist. I enjoyed her and I would masturbate by just considering her.
One day I goofed, I must have locked my door, but I was negligent and she strolled in while I was tugging off. How could this take place to me? Just as I was shooting my load she appeared at my door, smiling, laughing and watching me cum off. Hell could be no worse than to have her see me like this.
She stated, Sorry, I captured you at a bad time, see ya later and. What could I state to her?
I slept little that night trying to find out how I might deal with Linda.
The next day in class she made a hi-sign to me as if absolutely nothing occurred. I do not know how I got through the class with her sitting there, but I did. Could it be Linda?
It’s me, Linda, are you giggle preoccupied? Can I come in?
Sure, can be found in, I’m not doing anything, and after that understood how she would misinterpret the double entendre in my response. I was actually flustered now if I was flustered in class.
I stammered, Linda please let me discuss …
She interrupted, it’s not necessary, I understand, comprehend’re no different than various guys I men. You can’t assist it. Thank God, I felt, she comprehended.
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She relied on leave then turned back, and as an afterthought stated, but you were a naughty young boy. You must be penalized. Naturally, she continued, If you feel, I should not, that’s OK, I will not and I’ll have to find another person to help me with my homework. Then I will not have the ability to see you other than in class.
In a panic I said, No, no, no, you are right, I ought to be punished. I was at fault. Please do it.
Well, if you insist, maybe after classes tomorrow. with this, smiling, she left my office.
Are you decent? she said with amusement, as she popped her head in my workplace the next day, and marched into my office prior to I had time even to give an answer.
Linda, please, I’ve been believing all day about all this and let’s talk.
Prior to I could continue, she interrupted by dropping a nylon rope about 5 feet long on my desk and she stated, sure, we can discuss this but what is there to say, you did what you did, you are not innocent are you? and did not provide me an opportunity to say anything further.
She proceeded in making 2 small loops in the rope 2 feet apart in the centre of the rope. She said, Stand up.
Hang on, let me discuss. Not waiting, she continued to put each of my wrists in a different loop, tighten the loops by pulling completions of the rope, turning me around pulling each end of the rope around me tight and tying them together in the back. She efficiently pulled my hands to my sides so that my hands were bound and incapacitated.
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Linda, wait, I don’t understand whether however prior to I completed she continued to bunch up my shirt and undershirt above my bound hands.
That’s not too tight, is it? she stated, and not awaiting an answer she pulled my belt out from the loops in my trousers. She unbuttoned the leading buttons of my pants and pulled the zipper down and hooked her thumbs in the sides of my pants and shorts; yanked them down to my thighs exposing my penis and ass.
Oh look she said as she lifted up my penis, it’s getting hard. She pulled me over to the end of my desk, loosen my tie and with it pulled me down so that my chest and head rested at the end of my desk.
You may say I am delicate and am a little effeminate, but I am not a fagot or a pervert. I helped her make a summary of what to state, put things in a rational order and make tips. She stated, Sorry, I captured you at a bad time, see ya later on and. She turned to leave then turned back, and as an afterthought said, however you were a naughty boy. Oh look she stated as she raised up my penis, it’s getting hard.
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